Donation Information

TULI TULI TULI partnered with The Film Collaborative (TFC) as fiscal sponsor. The Film Collaborative is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing programs and services for independent filmmakers. TFC’s nonprofit federal tax ID number is 32-0295081. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

This partnership means 2 things:

1 – Your Donation Is Safe

2 – Your Donation Is Tax Deductible


The Film Collaborative will email a tax receipt for your charitable gift. In compliance with IRS rules, tax receipts are issued for the amount The Film Collaborative receives after payment processor fees are deducted.

The Film Collaborative

ONLINE Donations

Online donations are simple and processed through PayPal. You’ll find it by clicking on our donation links. These will redirect you on TFC film sponsor page. Easy.

Credit card donations may incur a fee from PayPal. The fee is 2.2% + .30 for each transaction as of this writing. You have the option to cover the transaction fee when paying. If you check the opt-in box, you will pay the 2.2% + .30 fee.

PayPal may increase or decrease this fee without notice. TFC is not responsible for changes in PayPal’s fees – this is a pass-through fee, not a TFC fee.

Wire / Bank Transfers

Check Donations

Checks should be made out to « The Film Collaborative. » Please include our project name – « Tuli Tuli Tuli » – in the For/Memo line of personal and business checks.